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I am a little Opossum named Zohey, I am a service animal with Paws for Friendship Inc. ©..and this is my story!

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

UPDATE!! <3 <3 <3

Hello everyone! I recently had surgery, and OVH, it went well without any complications! A week later, i had vomiting and loose stool and mommy had to run me back to Dr. Drake.  This wasnt what she was expecting. I had stopped eating, and taken a turn for the worse! She gave me IV fluids, and flagil to help my stool.. everything looked up! I was getting better!

About 3 days ago, i began rubbing my booty on the carpet and leaving lines of green poo everywhere, mommy got concerned, and added fiber to my diet, prescribed by dr. drake.  I continued the batril and flagil, but then golden urine came, which meant i am dehydrated. Mommy forced fluids, and continued the meds, but i've been getting worse. Saturday night mommy and daddy ran me to the emergency room in tampa because i had lost over an ounce of blood through my vent! (My booty). because opossums ureathra a anus are connected inside the same opening (or exit), we are not sure where i am bleeding from exactly.  The animal ER called Dr. Drake at home and gave mommy strict instructions, high fiber diet, rest, and new meds.  I am eating science diet W/D cat food, with and increase in my batril antibiotics (this time it is fluid) and another anti iflammatory.

I am completely healed from my surgery, but this looks like i may have had a hemroid or something else may have ruptured.  I am straining when i use the potty, and i am uncomfortable it i stand up... I am refusing to eat and they had to give me emergency fluids last night.  Tomorrow morning, Monday, mommy is dropping me off with Dr. Drake at 7:30am to be observed by them. They havent seen the blood and mucous yet because i do it at home, so mommy wants dr. drake to take a look.

Everyone, i need your prayers, and please hope for the best, i would like to go see the little kids at metropolitian minitries this week!


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